This design was originally taught on July 17, 2021. Follow along with Judy Westegaard-Jenkins in this video to learn a unique background technique along with various other stroke work to create a realistic Santa Claus.

The FULL pattern packet and video replay will be immediately available upon completion of registration - follow confirmation email instructions to access it.


Surface: 10"x12"x1.5" gallery panel or 10"x12" Masonite. *Please note, 10X12 is a standard size in Canada. This size isn't typically found in USA. 9"x12", 12"x12", or 11"x14" would be suitable substitutes, without altering the design.

DecoArt Americana Acrylics: Asphaltum, Black Plum, Bleached Sand, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Orange, Deep Midnight Blue, Desert Turquoise, Dioxazine Purple, Dried Clay (similar to Shading Flesh), Heritage Brick, Lamp Black, Moon Yellow, Payne’s Gray, Raw Sienna, Sand, Santa Red, Snow (Titanium) White, Ultra Blue Deep, Warm Beige (formerly Base Flesh), White Peach (formerly Highlight Flesh), Winter Blue

Purchase below*

  • Stardust Santa

    Stardust Santa [250 remaining]

    This is the 6-hour video replay of the webinar with Judy Westegaard-Jenkins.

    Price $60.00


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