This 2-day event is scheduled for two Fridays - November 1 & 8, 2024. Time: 12-4pm Eastern Time (9am - 1pm PT) each day. Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate. Join Mark as he instructs the class on creating this jolly old man!
The PDF will be immediately available upon completion of registration - follow the confirmation email instructions to access them. You will have access to the video replay for 90 days after release. Video Replays will be posted within 1 week AFTER the live webinar.
Surface: Canson Mi-Teintes Paper 1 Sheet #501 Tobacco, 8-1/2 x 11
Prismacolor Premiere Pencils: 902 Ultramarine, 904 Light Cerulean Blue, 911 Olive Green, 923 Scarlet Lake, 926 Carmine Red, 927 Light Peach, 928 Blush Pink, 935 Black, 936 Slate Grey, 937 Tuscan Red, 938 White, 939 Peach, 942 Yellow Ochre, 943 Burnt Ochre, 944 Terra Cotta, 947 Dark Umber, 1005 Lime Peel, 1092 Nectar, 122 Permanent Red, 1077 Colorless Blender
Choose this option if you intend to be present in the classroom. You will receive access to a ZOOM Classroom link for the webinar.You WILL receive a link to the classroom for:Fridays, November 1 & 8, 202412:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time8 hours; 4 hours per day
Choose this option if you will NOT be joining the LIVE Zoom Classroom.You will NOT receive a link to the Zoom Classroom but will be sent an email when the Video Replay becomes available within 1 week AFTER the live webinar.