This project was never taught through Artful Webinars but provided to us by permission. Pat shares her techniques for creating this sweet ornament using colored pencils to build shadows and highlights.

The FULL pattern packet and video are immediately available upon completion of purchase - follow directions within confirmation email to access webinar content.

Surface: Canson Mi-Teintes Touch Paper, 16 x 20

Prismacolor NuPastels: Burnt Sienna, Deep CadmiumYellow, Carmine Madder, Tuscan Red, White, Deep Blue, Persian Rose, Flesh Pink, Black, Cool Medium Grey, Raw Sienna, Madder Pink, Light Blue, Orchid 

Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils: White, Rose Carmine, Medium Flesh, Light Flesh, Dark Indigo, Van Dyke Brown, Naples Yellow, Venetian Red, Black

Purchase below*

  • Beach Stroll

    Beach Stroll

    This is an hour video with Pat Lentine.

    Price $20.00


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